Thursday, July 11, 2013

You can't see inside a heart....

The past few weeks I've been feeling pretty blessed.  I have a husband who loves me unconditionally. A daughter who thinks I can do anything.  A house, food, a car.  A God who is there for me even when I don't feel like it.  A support system of some pretty awesome family and friends.  What more could a girl want?? Sure we could use more money to pay the bills, but who couldn't these days?  Overall we are a pretty blessed family.  I try my best to thank God every day for all He has given me, even on the hard days.  But then tonight, I watched a video about what we would see if we looked into people's hearts and it touched me.  It touched me so much because right now, I know so many hearts who are weeping.  I know so many hearts who are aching.  And I guarantee you all walk by hearts like those every day, and you don't even know it. 

See in America, in the culture we are all growing old in, we are taught to hold it all in.  Act like we have it all together and need no one's help.  What do you do when you greet someone? You say, "Hey how's it going?" or "Hi, how are you?" And what is always our response?? "Good.  You?" or "It's fine" or "eh it's going".  No matter how we are feeling in our heart, we rarely say the truth.  Why? Because we are raised in a culture where they teach us that that person asking really doesn't care.  How many times have you asked someone how it's going, when you know darn well they are struggling, and secretly you are praying they just say fine and move on because you don't have the 'time' to listen. Or you won't know what to say? I promise almost everyone reading this has done that very thing at one point or another.  Because in America we get too darn busy worrying about ourselves to reach out sometimes.  It's true.  We all do it.  Right or wrong we are human and it's in our nature. 

But the thing is folks, the real question we need to ask ourselves is honestly, "What would Jesus do?" And it sounds so clique and so overused but it's so the truth.  We were made in God's image.  And if we were made in His image, we need to strive to be like Him. To try our very best on this earth to do what He would doSay what He would say.  Listen like He would listen.  It's not easy and we are gonna fail sometimes.  We really are gonna be too busy sometimes, and if that's the case, make it a point to reach out as soon as you can.  Because folks, I know way too many people hurting right now.  I know way too many people with broken hearts.  I know way too many people suffering.  And chances do too.

Right now I can tell you with 100% certainty that somewhere on this earth, there is a dad who is working hard to overcome his addictions so he can be complete and whole and be with his family again. There is a man who has just been told he has months to live.  There is a mom who is watching her child go through so much hurt and pain that she just so badly wants to take it away for him.  There is a mom who is trying to keep it together for her kids when she just wants to fall apart.  There is a man who never thought he would get a divorce, having to do just that.  There is a husband and wife out there who are watching all their friends and family get pregnant, and they have been trying for months if not years and it's still not happening for them.  And the list goes on....

I'm sure you could fit people you know in your own life into some of the above.  Because these hurts are not uncommon.  In fact they have become very common because we live in such a broken world.  But just because they are common doesn't mean every story is the same.  Dig deeper into the hurt and every story will be different.

If we are all made in God's image, they why don't we start acting like it.  Why don't we as Christians stand up and say enough is enough. I'm not just gonna say I care, I'm gonna start showing it to anyone and everyone around me.  We need to start opening our eyes and see the needs of those around us.  See their hurt and in Jesus' love do what we can to show them His love

I challenge you in the next week to start really listening to people.  Take the time to hear their heart.  To see inside their heart and everything they are going through.  Everyone wants to know someone cares about their story.  God does, but He needs us to help show them.  Sometimes all it takes is a simple hug, a cup of coffee, a listening ear, or someone to just say, "It's gonna be ok.  We will get through this."

And remember, you don't always know what someones going through.  So when you walk by that stranger...always say hi and smile.  It just might brighten their day....even if for just a moment.

"He comforts us in our troubles so that we can comfort others.
When they are troubled,
we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us."
-2 Corinthians 1:4

If you are hurting, may this song give you peace in knowing there is a God who is so badly wanting to help you.  This song brings tears to my eyes every time.  Enjoy. Praise Him.  Worship Him.