If you have read Revelation...if you have even seen or read any of the Left Behind movies....if you have even heard anyone talk about the end times and Jesus coming back this article might make your heart jump a little bit. Might send a shiver down your spine...might make you wonder if this really is just one more step closer to the end of life as we know it....
There have been people for years and years and years trying to predict when God would come back....when the world would just get too badly broken for Him to continue to let it all happen. Fact of the matter is this:
No. One. Knows. Period.
But this article did stir up something in me. God used it as just another wake up call. An alarm to say: "HEY CHRISSY!! You see this?? You know it's coming, you may not know when and you may not know if it's going to be in your lifetime but bottom line you KNOW it's coming. So what are you doing about it?? Are you showing everyone you meet MY love?? Are you showing them in the best possible ways who I am? Are you loving more than you are judging? Are you helping hearts come to want a deep meaningful relationship with ME?"
Fact is friends...I'm not. I know I'm not doing the best I can. I know I judge way more than I love some days. And with the world as bad as it is right, I know probably A LOT of us struggle with that one. It's a fine line to walk between not judging and just accepting the world as it is. It's a fine line between not judging and keeping your mouth shut just because you don't want to offend anyone. It's a fine line between loving and having others think you are okay with their certain life style choices. It's a fine line with loving and it's a fine line with judging.
I want people to know what I believe. I want them to know that I follow the one true God. I want them to know I believe in everything Jesus taught. But I want to leave the judging part to God. I don't want to accept the sins they commit but I don't want to push them away by casting judgement on them. It's not my job. My job is to love them so much they can't deny the love of Christ. I want to love them so much that they see Jesus in me. Does that mean I accept what they do all the time? Of course not, but it does mean I pray every day for God to help me find that fine line and walk it with Him.
So I'm gonna use this little wake up call God gave me and use it to get better at loving ALL of God's children. Those that love Him and those that don't. I'm gonna use it to start asking every single day for God to help me not judge people so harshly, but instead to love them so much that they want to know Jesus personally.
I don't have all the answers...I know I'm not perfect......but I want to to have so many of my friends and family standing next to me on the day we will be counted. I want people that I see on a regular basis at the grocery store.....at the doctors office.....at the park......I want to see people I've only met once in my life....I want to see many faces that I recognize standing there before God.... I don't want to see faces that I could have done better to get to know Him but was too scared to stand before God and hearing "I know you not..."