Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Light in a Dark World

It's 9-11.  A day that no one in America can or will forget.  A day that no matter how old or young you were that day, you remember exactly where you were, what you were doing, who you were with, and what you felt.  Look around at our country and you will see it still affecting us.  It feels like the tragedies have become more apparent since that day.  And therefore it is so easy to look down at my baby girl and think,

"Why did I bring you into this hurting world?"

And then I look at the way her face lights up when she smiles and think "Yep.  That's why".  You see the world is gonna continue to be a hurting world.  There's no way around it.  Terrorist attacks are still gonna happen all over the world.  Hate crimes will still be going on.  Shootings aren't going to stop.  Adults and kids all over the world are still gonna get hurt, be killed, or have other awful things happen to them.  It's not going to stop, because Satan is still around folks.  He isn't going anywhere until God says so, and for whatever reason God hasn't said so yet.

But you see, we need to keep having babies and keep raising them up right so they can be a change in the world.  If my baby girl grows up to change one person's heart, helps one soul get to know Jesus, is an amazing friend to one person, it's all worth the risk of having her in this fallen world.  Because you know what? She's going to be a light in it.  God has big plans for her and I'm so excited to see what those plans involve.  I can't wait to see her impacting her classmates in a positive way when she starts school.  Will I worry about her? Of course every day.  But I will also be praying for her every day.  Praying that she is kept safe.  Praying that she is strong enough to resist temptation.  Praying for all the other people she will encounter.

I can't wait to see what she does when she is in high school, in college, and beyond.  As long as I let God use me to help her know Him fully, she is going to do amazing things.  It won't be easy and there will be times when I don't want to send her off but as long as I put my faith and trust in Jesus, He will help me through it.  He will give me the strength to help her spread her wings and fly......

But for now,in this very moment.....I'm gonna enjoy every second I have with her at home, safe in my arms.  I'm gonna enjoy every sweet innocent look in her eyes.  Because right now, she has no idea what this world is like and for that I so envy her......

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