Each night after Lyla's in bed I try to head out on a 2 mile walk. It's become a favorite part of my day. And tonight seemed to be no different. I turned on Lauren Daigle's album (which I've been having on repeat lately, seriously an AMAZING album!) and headed out on my walk. Just a few steps in it all came rushing in like a hurricane. (I've also decided to include some photos from my walk, because the beauty of it all tonight stirred something in my heart)
It's no secret we live in a fallen world. The world screams in our face constantly how it keeps getting farther and farther from Jesus; and clings more closely to sin. We only get a moment on this earth compared to the eternity that awaits us in heaven. For some of us that moment is 90 some years.....while others is far far shorter than that. We don't know when our sweet Jesus will call us home or quite honestly, when Jesus will say enough is enough and return to earth.
Because of this simple fact, we as the body of Christ need to be more aware of every single person and thing around us. I wouldn't say I'm addicted to my phone but I sure use it as a boredom thing. While watching T.V....while nursing the sweet babe to sleep.....while waiting in line at the store....while riding in the car. It's something for my hands to do and frankly if we all fess up to it, I can pretty much guarantee most of us do the same thing. But what if while we are staring at our phone or even just simply be so consumed with our own thoughts about our own life that we miss out on a chance to show Jesus to someone. What if we miss Jesus' sweet whispers to our hearts to say hello to a stranger....to pay for their coffee..... to help them with their groceries...to be a listening ear to an elderly woman who is lonely.... or even the hardest of all to admit: To make sure our kids know they are more important than the phone. That one is a stinger. Maci recently heard my phone go off and I was busy with Lyla. She quickly ran to my phone and brought it to me saying "Here you go mommy..." This sweet 3 year old gave me the realization that I don't want her to think that I need to look at my phone as soon as it goes off. I want them to see me completely and totally living in the moment.
Our world is so broken...it's so broken. So many times I get on Facebook and my heart breaks. I'm consumed with how so many people I know and love are hurting. I'm overwhelmed by all the evil and sinful ways of our nation and world. I'm angered by how it seems sometimes God is just cast aside because we want to do our own thing. This world is NOT our home and I want everyone I encounter to know that fact about me. That I don't belong here. That I may be living in the world but I'm not conforming to it. Just because we are society of selfishness does not mean I am. Romans 12:2 has been playing over and over in my mind lately:
"Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- his good, pleasing, and perfect will."
When my time on earth is done and I'm standing before our Lord Jesus I want Him to be able to say, "Well done my good and faithful servant." I want that to mean that I took every. single. chance I got to listen to His voice and make this world a better place. That I smiled a warm genuine smile at every one I met. That when they saw me, they got to see a glimpse of Jesus in me. That when God whispered to my heart to strike up a conversation with someone that looked like they needed it, I did it without question.....even if I had no idea who they were. I want that to mean that my kids saw that serving Christ was my top priority. That I was a woman who without hesitation said "YES!" to God. I don't want people to just see it on my Facebook that I love Christ with all my heart, I want it to ooze out of everything I do. I want them to feel how much I love Him when we are in the same room.
If I'm being real with you all I can honestly say this: This nation we live in is trying to silence Christians who want to live for Christ and Christ alone. And because of that fact, it is so important now more than ever for all of us to rise up and make our voices heard. And by that I don't mean shove it in everyone's face how we are sinning as a nation. By that I mean let's take a stand and show Christ's love more than we ever have. Let's say enough is enough and do our best to win every heart for Jesus by listening to God's voice and serving Him like never before. God needs His army of believers now more than ever. No one will ever be able to silence my love for our sweet Jesus. I want to plant seeds everywhere I go that will help win hearts for Him. In the words of Lauren Daigle:
"So take my everything, my flesh and blood
I'll lay me down on the altar altar
I am forever covered in your love
So let the rain fall hard"
We only get one life. One life where we have the power with Christ to help every one we meet to have an eternity. Let's not waste it looking down or at ourselves. Instead let's live it in the most radically obedient way we can. Let us pray for God to show us ways to serve Him....even if it seems like the most trivial thing to us. In the bigger picture....it might mean everything to God's plan for that person. I leave you now with a song that created the fire in my heart. The fire for us to rise up and impact our world like never before.....
P.S. I'm still MIA from Facebook for a few more days....and frankly if we didn't have people we loved scattered around the country I might give it up for good. However I know there would be people that would miss seeing my sweet kiddos faces ;) See you all in a few! :)
Oh, I love and miss you, Chrissy! Your faith is so inspiring! Carry on and spread God's good word!
ReplyDeleteAwe thanks Gloriann!