Saturday, August 13, 2016

What seems like the forgotten bible verse....

As Christians we all know the story...a woman who was caught cheating on her husband was brought before Jesus. The law said she should be stoned for what she had done and yet Jesus called out to them what seems to be the catch phrase many like to throw out there from the bible:

"All right but let the one who has never sinned cast the first stone!"

And the crowd dissipated. No one was left to cast that first stone because the hard core truth is that we are all sinners in need of grace.  We are all in need of that one person to choose to not condemn us and instead show us the kind of grace and mercy we are all so desperately searching for.  And I know that Jesus is that one we are all looking for.  Because He is that one that did not condemn this woman.  He did not stone her as the law said.  Instead He said these words to her just a few short verses later.  And these words are where my heart is tonight in the dark quiet of the night...  

"Go and sin no more...."

Go....and sin no more.....GO and SIN NO MORE.  These words have been playing in my mind for what seems like hours now.  They are words that are so full of grace and mercy and the same time...cut like a knife.  

We are all born sinners.  Not a single one of us deserves the gift Jesus gave to us by dying on that cross so long ago.  Not one of us deserves to be saved and loved the way He loves.  Not one of us deserves the compassion He freely gives us.  NOT ONE.  We all have stories...histories of who we were before Jesus came into our hearts and so radically changed us.  And with those stories and histories comes with a baggage of sin that Jesus so freely takes from us.  And yet....we also all have those sins that we hang onto ever so tightly.  When we first met Jesus we asked for forgiveness.  We laid down those burdens and vowed to do better.  To be better.  But those sins that we hang onto so tightly, each a different struggle than another, those sins keep on creeping in....

We justify those sins.  We make excuses.  We say we will do better next time.  We say we will give it up next month...or next year.  We make promises and vows to never do them again.  When others point out the facts that sin IS sin, we throw out the bible verses about not judging each other.  That everyone is a sinner....and even....John 8:7: let the one who has never sinned cast the first stone...We hold onto these sins so tightly.  And in the dark world we live in, it is so easy to keep holding onto that sin.....Our world is upside down...what is right is now wrong and what was wrong is now right.  What my absolute truth is, is now not the same absolute truth has yours.  We struggle and we make excuses and we justify.....and friends...we forget those very powerful, very real words Jesus said in the next verse....


He doesn't say justify it...He doesn't say try harder next time....He doesn't say keep asking for forgiveness.....He doesn't say that everyone is a sinner anyway so it's okay....He says:  GO! and sin NO MORE.

We all know what is absolute truth in our heart of hearts.  We all get that feeling that something feels wrong.  We all get that feeling of craving a savior.  And friends....I know who that Savior is that your heart so desperately needs.  That my heart so desperately needs.  When He died on that cross He took all your sins and all your burdens, and paid the price for them.  He laid down His life so that when your take your last breathe on this earth, He won't see all your wrongs.  He won't stone you.  He won't condemn you to hell.  Instead He will see the blood of Jesus all over your beautiful face.  He will cover you in the grace and mercy that you don't deserve but because He loves you so much He paid it all to cover your guilt and shame.  He wrapped you up in His loving arms and forgave you for it all.  

But sweet one, don't you dare forget that next verse. And I feel like I need to make a huge banner of it in my own house, to remind me that there is no such thing as a little sin.  Jesus paid the ultimate price for you because He loves you that much and sees how worthy you truly are.  So you live this life as boldly and confidently as you can for Him. You shine your light brighter than it's ever been for Him.  But you lay down those lay down those heavy burdens you struggle with, sometimes daily....and then you go and sin no more.  Don't justify them.  Don't let the world tell you that they are okay.  Because Jesus paid it all.  And because He paid it all He is worth all the sacrifices of this life that we make for Him.  He is worth standing tall for Him.  He is worth denying ourselves of those sins we struggle with.  Those sins that feel good.  Those sins that are fun.  Those sins that the world justifies.......

Doesn't mean we suddenly become perfect...doesn't mean we won't mess up...doesn't mean we will never sin again.  But friend, it also doesn't give us the right to knowingly keep doing something that we know is wrong just because we can justify it.  Because when we are justifying it, we are conforming to the world's standards and Jesus deserves far more than that.  He deserves my life.  I owe Him that because without Him....I would be nothing.  I would be beyond help.  Nothing can save me but His love, mercy, and sweet amazing grace.  

Cling to His absolute truth.  Cling to His standard of living.  Cling to what you know in your heart is wrong.  Because no matter what the world tries to say....sin is sin.  And we are all sinners.  And thank the sweet Lord that He gives us the gift we don't deserve.  But because of that gift, we owe it to Him to keep this command the best that we can....


No twisting ignoring His voice...just simply go and sin no more friends.  You can do this.  You can kick that sin you struggle with on a daily basis to the curb.  Do it.  I believe in you and so does Jesus.  After all, He believed in you so much, that He gave His life......

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