Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Going against the grain

Going against the grain isn't normal.  It isn't our natural instincts.  It's hard and sometimes painful.  The bottom line is it screams that we are different.  We aren't going with the crowd.  Aren't doing what the 'cool' thing is.  Think back to high school and you will remember quite clearly who was 'going against the grain'.  You will clearly remember those that were different. They weren't like everyone else.  Sadly, more than likely, they were probably mocked and made fun of at one time or another.  They didn't blend in.  Those that blended in went with the tides.  Went along with the rest of the crowd.  It didn't mean they agreed with everyone else, it just meant they didn't want to stand out. They didn't want to be different.

Life as an adult hasn't changed much.  We are so quick to try and blend in with the customs of the world and the way they all think life should be done.  We are afraid to offend anyone.  Always have to be politically correct because even if it goes against our beliefs it doesn't matter if it will hurt someone else.  And of course that's true to a point, to a point. But Jesus, a man who we will celebrate this week for dying for us all, He didn't ask us to blend in.  He didn't want us to be so afraid to offend someone that we don't spread His word.  He wants us to shine and stand out bold and proud of who we are in Him.

"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and PERFECT."
-Romans 12:2 NLT

God reminded me of this verse and convicted me tonight.  This winter, I felt Him tugging at my heart to go out and pray over our for sale sign.  It was -20 some below out and I said, "You have GOT to be kidding right? No way!"  So I didn't....I went on with my life and left it alone.  Just recently the thought came into my head as well as a dear family friend suggesting we start walking around our house praying over it.  So this time I said "Ok God....I'll listen." The first day I did it Trav was standing next to me and I felt comfortable doing it.  I felt strong and secure doing it.  Confident.  Tonight though....oh tonight I am all by my lonesome.....and let me tell you friends, I truly felt alone.  Suddenly I felt like our whole neighborhood was staring out there window at the crazy lady standing with her hand on her for sale sign with her eyes closed.  I felt awkward and like they were all judging who I am.  I will tell you right now, I felt like I should be kneeling outside praying and I didn't.  Not too long after I had started at the sign I quickly decided to just start walking around the house.  And I still felt judged and watched.  I felt different than everyone else.  I felt like the uncool kid in school.  Now let's be honest, were all my neighbors staring out their window? Probably not.  Were they all thinking how crazy I was? Probably not.  But even if they were why should I care? It clearly states in Romans 12:2 that we shouldn't be like this world because friends we aren't of this world.  Our home and world is with Jesus in heaven.  We need to stop worrying about what the world is seeing and start thinking about what GOD is seeing.  It is so. dang. hard.  I know it trust me I do.  But I also tell you what friends I pray, I pray to God, that someday...some day soon...I will be so confident in who I am in Christ and be kneeling outside in front of our house with arms raised praising Jesus and begging Him to sell our house.  I pray I find strength in the fact that what HE  sees is all that matters.  I pray that if my neighbors happen to look out while I am out there that they will want to come ask me what the heck I am doing so I can have the opportunity to speak the sweet word of Jesus to them and tell them who He is.  Because I am not only out there praying for our house, I am out there praying for our neighborhood that God will bless it fully and richly.  

Let's stop going with the tide and start going against the grain.  Trust me it feels weird and hard at first....but with time I trust that Jesus will change my heart to see that  HIS opinion is the only one that matters as long as I am obeying what He asks.  And with that I say: Are YOU up to the challenge? 

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