As of Tuesday we will have been on our current journey for exactly 6 months. Half of a year. 180 some days of Trav living in a small hotel room out in Canby and us leaving here in Litchfield until our house sells. 180 some days of being a single parent Monday through Friday. 180 some days of sleeping in an big empty bed. Come on over for a cup of coffee sometime and I will tell you how lonely we both get. I will tell you about the days I want to cry. I will tell you about the days I lost my patience with Maci far too soon because I'm just sick of our situation. I will tell you how badly I want this season to be over for us. Especially the past month when we are going through something as a family that we shouldn't have to go through. A time when our family should be closer than ever and together far more often than normal because our baby girl was sick. I could tell you all about the negatives. The negative list of what we have been going through the past 6 months far out weighs the positives at the moment. But if you come over for some coffee, after I cry on your shoulder for a little while....I will look up at you and tell you about all the ways we have experienced God in the past 6 months. I will tell you all about the ways, big and little, we have seen God's fingerprints. I will tell you all about how much more we as a family lean on Him more than we ever have. I will tell you all about how much stronger I am because of what He is doing in our lives. 6 long months ago, if you would have told me this journey would have taken this long...I would have told you I don't have the strength. But here we are, and I have gotten through things I never thought I would be able to. But all the thanks and glory goes to God. Doesn't mean I don't have days where all I do is cry....doesn't mean I don't have days where me and God aren't on speaking terms...doesn't mean I don't have days where I yell at God and ask Him why...because I do have those days. And I know God is strong enough to take them. Any relationship has their good and bad days....but at the end of it all He is still the one I run to. I can't do anything without His loving arms there to guide me.
I leave you with this one thought to ponder. It was in my daily devotional and really made me think and have a wow moment. Maybe...just will do the same for you:
"If nothing frightening ever happened, how could the assurance of God's constant presence be the quieter of our fears."
-Praying God's Word Day By Day-Beth Moore
How do you know that God isn't trying to speak to you via your friends that are telling you to rent it out? I would like to share my observation that your faith seems to have deepened and you have been sharing your faith more readily/desparately than I've seen you do before.. So, in that way it definitely sounds like God's work.... setting the challenge to deepen your faith and trust in Him. Rewards will definitely be on the way. I admire your faith a lot. Hang in there!