Well I am happy to report we survived and everyone was so friendly. We no doubt felt welcomed. Before too long we were having a nice chat with a friendly mother of another little girl that Maci quickly warmed up to and was running around the room with. She asked where we lived and we said Canby. Her response was this: "That's quite a far drive isn't it?". Great I thought to myself.....let me back up a little....
We were going to an amazing church we fell in LOVE with in Marshall. However Marshall takes us about 45 minutes to get to and we started to wonder if it was the right fit for us when we wanted to get to know more people in our own community. This new church is about 20 minutes away from us....half the distance. We wanted friends that wouldn't find us to be too far from them....so when this sweet woman said this...my heart sank a little. I thought to myself, "Awesome...we are gonna be in the same boat we were before...."
When the music ended the Pastor got up and started telling us some announcements. One of which was stating that they wanted to try something new. Starting in June, one Friday a month they would all be getting together to play games and get to know each other better. How fun! It gets even better....soon he said something that made me think....like really think. And I'm not sure he knew what a profound moment it would be for someone. He looked around and said this:
"I want you to come and not expect it to be perfect. At some point, I'm going to say something to hurt your feelings and then at some point you are going to say something to hurt mine. We need to be willing to extend grace to each other."
Did you hear what I did?? We don't need to be perfect. We will mess up. We will say stupid things. We will say the wrong things sometimes. We will hurt people....we will offend people....and visa versa. It's going to happen but you know what the amazing thing is? It's ok. Let me say that again: IT'S OK!!! We are all humans. We are all sinners. We all need God's mercy and grace. So why can't we do the same for our brothers and sisters??
99.9% of the time I can almost guarantee our brothers and sisters in Christ don't do or say things to purposely offend and hurt us. Most of the time it's unintentional I would bet. We don't get to see what's going on in their own lives and the truth of the matter is we are all struggling with something. So many people are going through some really really rough tough things. My own family included. So instead of thinking that just because we go to church that we need to be perfect with each other.....how about we start thinking that because we go to church we aren't perfect. Because the truth of the matter is....at the heart of the reason we are there....is simple because of this:
So then as I'm sitting there and hearing this I realize....that sweet lady probably didn't mean that simple phrase in the way I took it. She probably didn't mean, "Oh gosh you live in Canby?? Well we can't be friends then because that is such a long drive." I just chose to take it that way in that moment because of other things I'm going through that she has no idea about.
We need to stop thinking that just because we are in a church means we can't mess up. That we have to be perfect. Because we all know that we aren't. That we are all just sinners who need some grace.....
So this week I challenge you to extend a bit more grace that you normally would. That person who did or said something silly to you that you chose to take offense to or let it hurt you....give them a little more grace this week. Because they just might not have meant it the way you thought.....and they just might be going through something you don't see....
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