Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Motherhood:The best teacher of all...

Chances are, if you live in South Dakota or Minnesota, you looked out your window at some point today and noticed something fall from the sky.  There's also a good chance that it wasn't rain nor a meteor.  It was probably white and it was probably something that made you wrinkle up your nose.  That's right, it snowed for the first time this season.  And if your facebook is anything like mine, you were updated by many family and friends that it was in fact snow.  You were also probably reminded that, for most of us anyway, we don't particularly like the first snow.  Now most of us I would say LOVE the snow at Christmastime.  However this first snowfall usually catches us off guard (even though it IS almost November let me remind you).  It reminds us that the warm sunny weather will become a thing of the past for the next several long months.  And honestly makes us feel a little grumpy.  Unless of course you are one of those weird people that LOVE the cold weather....which is a pretty alien species if I do say so myself... ;)

However I would also bet that if you are like me and have a little one at the same time as you were slowing dying inside, they were beaming with joy and excitement as those tiny flakes of evilness fell.  You mentioned to them that it was in fact snowing outside (maybe even with a little bit of detest in your voice) and they ran as fast as they could to the window.  They wanted to watch this exciting turn of events.  They might have even squealed with delight.  And for a few minutes you watched in complete amazement that, while you were completely hating the fact, they were basking in it.  They had a completely different perspective of the situation than you did.

(Our sweet Maci looking at TONS of snow her first winter.)
As I watched this scene unfold in my own house, it got me thinking how it could easily be applied to any situation.  We can so easily be disgusted, angry, upset at ANY circumstance that may face us.  It is so easy to just look at the bad that seems to be screaming out from what unfolds before us.  What would happen though if we changed our perspective a little and looked at it from a different angle? It doesn't mean that we can't still feel upset or disgruntled ever, but if we change how we choose to see things it just might change how we see everything.  It may just in fact shift our focus to something that is more important.  It may just in fact have the power to impact how someone else sees something they themselves are facing.  Perspective changes EVERYTHING.  

While I don't think I will ever fully enjoy the first snowfall, I do know that I adore watching my girls get excited over it.  Their faces make it worth it.  And I am so unbelievably thankful for the new perspectives they give me on life.  And how much they help teach me.  Keep it up girls....cause Mommy still has so much yet to learn.....