Saturday, August 8, 2015

CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES C'MON! Or....wait....what?

A sweet Facebook friend shared an assignment tonight.  One that I felt as if she had written specifically for me.  Like seriously God sat her down and said, " need to post this assignment for Chrissy.  Because her and her family are moving into a new season and frankly they have been complaining about the past one far too much." Oh sweet Jesus why do you have to be so direct sometimes.....

The assignment, or frankly in our case challenge, was this:  Count how many rooms you have in your houses, and then think of that many things you can CELEBRATE from the past season.  Guess how many rooms our house has? 11.  Yes 11.  I think God has a sense of humor because honestly this past season has been one of the most painful seasons we have ever had in our marriage yet.  I wasn't even sure if we would be able to do it.  Well Travis and I sat down and we did it! And I want to share it with all you because I want you to realize that no matter how much the season you are in sometimes frankly sucks, there are ALWAYS things in it worth celebrating.  So here we go:

1. WE HAD OUR LYLABUG!! Seriously the best thing worth celebrating.  She's a ray of sunshine in our lives.

2. We made some awesome awesome friends in Canby.  Seriously God placed them in our lives for a reason.

3. We learned FULLY that no matter what God WILL provide.  Seriously there were times we shouldn't have made it when Trav was living in Canby by himself.  And guess what? All bills always got paid.

4. Trav got sales experience to put on his resume to help lead him to his next (now current) job.

5. We didn't have to live apart the whole 2 years.  God provided a house to live in.  We might not like the might not be anything that we wanted, but God provided the way for us to live here.  So we could live as a family again.

6.  As hard as this one is to admit: That our house in Litchfield DIDN'T sell.  If it would have sold we would have bought one in Canby.  And we don't belong here.

7.  Our marriage STRENGTHENED while we were living apart not weakened.  Yes that's right.  I said strengthened.  That's UNHEARD of in today's world.  And yet we made sure to hold on for dear life and make sure that was our top priority.

8.  Maci is here with us.  If you remember a year and a half ago....she had the worst case of croup.  One that made her go to Children's in an ambulance and end up in ICU.  They didn't know if she was going to pull through when she was first brought in.  She is here and had just the right doctor at just the right time.

9. Our faith grew stronger. Our love for Jesus is like nothing we've ever felt before now.  We loved him and trusted him before.  Now we love him and trust him more than we ever thought possible.

10.  God provided just the right job, in just the right location, at just the right time.  The new job Trav's more than we could have ever pictured him doing at this point in his life.

11.  WE SURVIVED!! I tell you what with all we have been through this season....with all the curve balls we have been thrown.... we shouldn't be the family we are today.  We shouldn't still have the faith we have...we shouldn't be such a strong tight knit family.  In today's world, the scenarios we were in tear families apart.  They don't make them stronger....they don't survive.  WE DID!! We are here to tell the stories and here to share our faith with anyone who will listen.   We survived...

While this season is over, and we start to move into our next... I'm so thankful.  The end of this chapter is painful, and will continue to hurt for a little while but....BUT we see the light.  And God is and will always be good.

I encourage you to do Chelsia's assignment.  Even if it's hard....actually ESPECIALLY if it's hard.  All glory to God forever and ever......

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