Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A Chance Encounter

It was our anniversary and instead of out to eat at some romantic place, I was chasing after a lively 18 month old while her big sissy was doing a 45 minute dance camp.  Travis assured me he was going to leave work in time to get there about 15 minutes before it was over, plenty of time before they called the parents in to see what the kids had learned during that time.  I was getting exhausted from chasing Lyla around and getting a tad antsy for him to walk through the door.  Finally just a few minutes after 6 we saw his car whiz into a parking spot.  "FINALLY" my heart wanted to shout.  I was so ready to give him the big anniversary hug I had been waiting for and, if I'm being really honest, let him take over chasing duty for a few minutes.  But as he was starting to rush into the church, a man I had never seen before seemed to call over to him and there they stood in the middle of the parking lot talking.  After a few minutes I was starting to get a tad agitated. In just a little bit they would be asking for parents to head on in and see the literally 1 minute dance number they had been working on.  I texted him...asking what on earth he was doing.  He never checked his phone and he continued to talk to that man as his brow was in a serious state of mind.  I wondered out loud to the woman sitting in front of me what on earth they could possibly be talking about.  "I have no idea who he even is..."  And then I just heard the whisper into my heart: pray. pray for Trav to have the words.  After saying a short prayer, they both started walking into the building.  I looked into Trav's eyes expecting some sort of a clue but instead the gentleman stood in front of me asking if anyone from the church happened to be in there.  I told him no...that the dance company rented it from them but that we could certainly ask Jen when she was done if she went there and knew how to get a hold of someone.  And then as I stared into that man's eyes, they started to fill with tears as he said: "I just really need a lot of prayer right now.  Just a lot of prayer..."  My heart broke at the sight and sound.  Before I could even draw another breath, the woman I just happened to be standing next to said that her husband was going to be a pastor and he would certainly pray with him.   And pray they did, they were still huddled in a corner talking as we were leaving......

Now this could just seem like a really sweet story at first.  Just a random occurrence.  A chance meeting with a stranger who went to a church to seek help.  But friends, it just isn't.  You see I went back and forth on if I should have even signed up for that dance camp.  We went on vacation this past weekend and I knew Maci would still be exhausted from all the lake fun we had.  And normally I would have just skipped over it but I didn't.  I felt like Maci needed to be there.  Travis had left in plenty of time to get there before 6, and yet he pulled into the parking lot 3 minutes after....the exact same time as that man did.  All the other parents were already inside.  No one else showed up after him.  I had been chasing Lyla all over that church and yet for those moments as they were outside, we stayed in one place.  And in that one place I could see that something was happening out there and felt the call to pray over them.  There were also plenty of other parents I could have been standing next to when they both walked in to talk to me.  And yet....I happened to be standing next to the wife of a pastor to be.  

For the past 24 hours now, this man (whose first name is Dan), has been on my mind and heart.  When I went to bed last night, he was there....when I woke up.....when we went on a we played in the quiet supper bed time.  Friends I have been praying over this man I don't even know asking God to bless him.  Asking God to answer his prayers he so desperately needs prayer for.  Asking God to continue to place people in his path who are going to be willing to help him and pray over him.  And tonight as I was getting ready for bed, God reminded me how perfect His timing is.  How things that could easily be seen as a consequence, aren't.  How God cares about the littlest details.  How one simple encounter with someone could help them in a bigger way than we even realize or know.  

We probably won't ever know what happened to Dan.  We won't ever know if his prayers were answered or if his life changed the way it needed to.  But those short 10 minutes affected me in so many ways......Our world is filled with people like Dan.  People who are hurting.....who are searching for someone to listen to their story and offer their help.  We just have to be open to it and willing to take the time to listen.  Trav could have told him that he was in a hurry and he had to get inside.  But instead, my amazing hubby took the time to really listen to his story and try to figure out someone to help.  I am so proud of him for that....even as I was sending him a 'nagging' text to get inside.  And then tonight as he was again on my heart, I was overwhelmed with God's timing.  That short little story could be so overlooked and seen as just a nice little story.  But oh my goodness that timing was incredible for all those little details to line up. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.  If God has you waiting on something friends, He is just waiting for all your little details to line up.  Because no matter what our timing is, HIS timing is perfect.  If Trav would have gotten there when he had wanted.....he wouldn't have met Dan in the parking lot......

In a world that is weeping and losing it's joy daily.....I pray that we will all have eyes that are open to see those that are hurting that we might encounter.  That we take the time to listen...really take the time to look into their eyes and see their souls that are craving an encounter with Jesus.  Because we can be that encounter for them.  And I pray that instead of getting aggravated at God the next time things aren't happening in my own timing, I remember Dan.  That I remember that God loves me so much He wants every little detail to be perfect.  Because when I look back at how perfectly He did time it......I know I will be standing in awe and praising Him far more than I ever have before.......

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